I've been a busy little knitting and crocheting bee lately! It's possible that this is an addiction, but I'm not looking for a cure! I love being able to make something fun, or cute, or useful from what was once a skein of yarn. It is kind of like being in construction. You picture your project before you start, but it's hard to see it completed in your head. Sometimes, it turns out better than you expected, and sometimes you aren't as happy with it as you thought you'd be.
For instance...
For instance...
This is my very first knitted hat. If you look very closely, you can see little owls. I've added buttons for eyes since the picture was taken, but it's just not as cute in real life as I pictured it would be. I think it was ultimately a poor yarn choice, but I'm trying to use up some of my stash, and I *thought* it would be adorable in beige. But the hat is a little bigger than I'd like it to be, and the yarn isn't as... substantial as I'd pictured it. Oh, well. Live and learn.
There have been a few projects recently where the final results have thrilled me. The first is a crocheted celtic knot that I threw together a few nights ago.
I've made three or four of these and I picture them sewn together for a handbag, but I've been sidetracked this week with other projects.
Namely, a crocheted Christmas ornament for Malena's teacher. (We didn't get her anything for Christmas and my guilt was getting to me.) This worked up so cute! I'm certain that there are more of these in my future. This project was my very first foray into amugurumi, and I had so much fun with it!
I am also completely and totally in love with these little crocheted hearts I found on Pinterest.
***note: The red and pink hearts above are NOT my work.***
But, the pattern isn't easily available, so I looked at them for a few minutes and decided to try to duplicate them without a pattern. This is the result.
I had a couple of very minor snags along the way, and I don't think mine is exactly like the original, but it is very similar. I'll sit down and write out the pattern as I work up my next little heart (I have an order for 2 from a friend! I'm getting paid for crocheting!!!), and I'll share it here when I am sure it is right.
That's about it for now. No real cooking exploits worth mentioning. In fact, I've been in something of a cooking rut recently. Maybe I need a bit of inspiration!
That's about it for now. No real cooking exploits worth mentioning. In fact, I've been in something of a cooking rut recently. Maybe I need a bit of inspiration!